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New Year is the time to make wishes. Both adults and children know this. But will it come true? New Year's fortune-telling will help you find out about this. Fortune-telling on desires is associated with the main attributes of the holiday: champagne and chimes. The mystical meaning of the number 12 underlies the following ritual.

Fortune telling on 12 pieces of paper and champagne

For this traditional divination, you will need paper and a pen. Tear the sheet into 12 pieces of paper. For each, you need to come up with a wish that you would like to make for the New Year.

  • Describe in as much detail as possible on paper the object or situation you want to be in.
  • Close your eyes and fill your mind with New Year's atmosphere.
  • Think of snow, Christmas decorations, gifts - anything that brings you joy on this day.
  • Stir the leaves and draw one at random.

Fortune-telling will tell you which of the 12 wishes will come true.

No need to show relatives and friends which leaf you got - keep the result of fortune-telling secret at least until midnight. To make a wish come true, it is recommended to drown a piece of paper in a glass of champagne or burn it under the chimes. In the old version of the ritual, the leafoffered to eat.

Accurate divination using melt water, paper and wax

In ancient Russia there was an accurate divination for Christmas time, Christmas and New Year. It will require:

  • Molten water
  • Wax or paraffin candle
  • A piece of paper and a pen

The ritual is carried out in several stages:

  • Take paper and pen with your left hand and close your eyes. Formulate a clear question, come up with several options for the development of events and imagine yourself in each of the situations in turn.
  • Open your eyes and draw a piece of paper, dividing it into parts according to the number of possible answers - no need to tear the paper. For each option, draw an object that is associated with it. In order not to get confused, the pictures can be signed.
  • Light a candle over a saucer of melt water collected for the new year, and mentally ask a question. Wait for enough wax to fall into the saucer and look at the pattern on the water. The picture that it will look like corresponds to the answer to the question and determines whether the wish will come true or not.

It was believed that on New Year's Eve, the connection of spirits with our world is strengthened and they are able to give hints, using the elements of water and fire to connect. It is not recommended to use tap water for divination. Magicians are sure that aggressive treatment in water treatment systems and transmission through pipes over long distances contribute to the accumulation of negative energy.

To make the wish come true faster, a talisman was made from the hardened wax:wrapped in a small piece of cloth, tied with red thread and carried with them to important meetings.

Also, a piece of paper was torn off and put in a wallet if the question concerned the financial sector. Fortune-telling about personal life, wax was placed near the bed or under the pillow and left for the night, and the sheet with predictions was burned in candle fire.

How to tell fortunes on a wish during the day?

New Year's divination can be done during the day. In the countries of North America, a ritual with dice is popular. For divination you will need:

  • A saucer of melt water.
  • Two dice (preferably stone). The dice must be new or used only for divination, not for playing.

The order of the ritual:

  • On the afternoon of December 31st or the morning of January 1st, place the saucer by the window and say your wish out loud while looking at the water.
  • Place the cubes in the vessel and pour out the water.
  • Close your eyes. Imagine how your plan comes true and turn the saucer over with your left hand.
  • Open your eyes and look at the numbers that have fallen. If the values on both cubes match, the wish will soon come true. A large difference (1 - 6, 2 - 5) indicates that what was conceived was not destined to be. For close numbers, the following rule is established: if the average value is more than three, money will be required to fulfill the dream, if less, the help of friends and connections.

Candles will lift the veil of the future

Also on New Year's Eve and Christmas they practiced church magic. On the last Sunday of the year they went to the templeand bought two identical candles. The first was placed on the altar and made a wish, the second was brought home. On the night of divination, a candle was lit in front of a mirror, they uttered a question, looking into their eyes through the fire. Then they went outside and walked around the house until the candle went out. If this happened before the first circle was completed, the wish will not come true.

Colored wax is used in candle magic. The paint not only makes the patterns distinguishable, but also sets the fortuneteller to a certain flow of energy. So, green is the color of money and recognition. Red and pink - love, fun and extreme. Blue and purple are the colors of wisdom and spiritual development, and yellow is professional growth and power. If the desire affects several spheres at once, candles of the corresponding colors are twisted and set on fire at the same time. A universal solution for protective magic and relationships is a pair of white and black candles - the first symbolizes purification and he alth, the second symbolizes strength and willingness to express yourself.

Mirror is a magical helper

Another type of divination with a mirror requires a candle, wax crayons, pastels or charcoal, and holy water. The ritual is performed at midnight.

  • Take a large portable mirror and, looking into it, say a desire or question three times.
  • Light a candle and fill a small area of the mirror with wax. Write on the resulting crust a word close to the question or draw a symbolic object.
  • Leave the mirror outside until the end of New Year's Eve.
  • Dial a little holywater into a spray bottle, spray the mirror and wipe without pressing on the cured wax.

If a drawing or an inscription has become blurry or has disappeared altogether, it means that the dream will not come true or there will be serious obstacles on the way to the dream. Sharp outlines indicate an upcoming struggle that will bring the desired result, while maintaining the original appearance of the inscription means that the goal will be achieved without much effort if you wait a bit.

Special divination for the Year of the Rabbit 2023

Within the Chinese tradition, there are 12 special rituals for each zodiac patron. So, in the year of the Tiger, golden coins and jewelry are considered magical attributes.

Astrologers endow people born under the sign of the Tiger with courage, determination and altruism. New Year 2023 promises major changes in all areas of life and good luck in solving money issues. To perform the ritual for the fulfillment of a wish in the year of the Tiger, you will need golden foil and a coin.

New Year's divination does not require special magical skills - enough concentration and faith in yourself. Before the chiming clock, hold a coin in the palm of your hand and make 2 wishes - one for each side. Visualize yourself clearly inside the situation when one of them is fulfilled.

Toss a coin and don't show anyone which side it fell on. Fortune telling will tell you which of the two wishes will come true next year. Wrap the coin in gold foil and place it under your pillow or near your bed until morning. The money used in the ritual cannot be spent. The coin can be worn withas a talisman or give it to someone. If you decide to tell fortunes in the New Year for money, you can use this coin a second time.

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