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Everyone loves to receive gifts - both adults and children! Especially if it happens during the magical time of the winter holidays. To charge you with the mood of the upcoming miracle, we have prepared a collection of pictures with New Year's gifts. You can install them on your desktop (all pictures have a resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels) or just admire them for your pleasure.

You can download images for free, directly from this site:

  • Click to enlarge the picture you like.
  • Toview it in full size right-click "View Image".
  • To download, right-click on it and select "Save Picture As…".
  • To immediately put a picture on your desktop, right-click on it and select "Set as wallpaper…"… Enjoy!

Attention! If you believe that we violated someone's rights by posting an image, be sure to let us know and we will remove it immediately.

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